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Reach us by phone, email, or at one of our stores to get answers to your questions about products or to receive interior design assistance.
Customer service is closed now, but is open between 9-18 all weekdays
Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Here, you can read about MiaThéo's history and what makes MiaThéo the best choice for your kitchen.
You’ll find a wide selection of natural stone, with each slab handpicked to ensure the highest quality. Since the color and veining in stone can vary, we always provide photos before production begins. We also carry composite countertops from brands like Silestone, Caesarstone, Technistone, and Compac Quartz, as well as ceramic options from Dekton, Marazzi, Infinity, Laminam, and Novocorso.
Find the perfect countertop for your kitchen:
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